Dear BVSD Superintendent and Board of Education,

We are excited about ACAF coming to BVSD and would like to encourage you to approve their Charter application.

We understand that there is a very vocal group that is opposed to ACAF because they misunderstand their values.

I have toured GoldenView Classical Academy and it is not a “Christian” school. For one, that would be illegal and they have already addressed this issue. It is a very rigorous Classical school. Many colleges, even our local University of Colorado, offers degrees in the “Classics”, yet our own local primary and secondary school system has yet to adopt this style of instruction.

We understand and appreciate that BVSD values a diversity of options and this is the option that we personally have been following. We currently homeschool using a Classical model and if BVSD added ACAF, this would definitely be the choice for us in which to enroll our children into our local public program.
