Dear Superintend Rob Anderson and Boulder Valley School District Board of Education,
It has been brought to our attention that via select social media threads there has been widespread inaccurate, inflammatory, and intentionally misleading statements about the proposed Ascent Classical Academy Flatirons Charter.
We emphatically request that the board remain steadfastly impartial to these false and negative accusations as this charter has made documented assurances in having no affiliation to any religious viewpoint. This has clearly been documented on the Boulder Valley School District website (link below), and we hope this information will be shared with those who are using numerous falsehoods to propagate opposition towards this charter.
While we understand that this charter is not a desired option for ALL BVSD parents and students, and these parents have a right to their opinion, the nearly 600 documented parents who have submitted intent to enroll at this school should be afforded the opportunity of having a school community within BVSD that offers a classical education program that is currently unavailable elsewhere within the district.
School choice is vital, as is diverse curriculum options for parents and students within the district. Please demonstrate neutrality on this matter, and honor the documented desire of many BSVD families for a varied and currently unoffered curriculums and vote YES to approve this Charter!
Thank you again for your time and consideration.
Ashley & Daniel